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Friday, March 30, 2007

A Website in Ch 5 (CALL Essentials)

Ch5 ---Creativity and Production

Hello! Time magazine! it's a mutimedia website.
I do believe that for students who want to upgrade their English ability from all over the world would definitely know this widely-known magazine! And I myself am one of Time magazine’s follower. But you know what? Its website is also great enough for you to visit everyday.

This chapter’s goal is introducing us the notion of “creativity and production.” At the first, I am not really understand why Time magazine’s website can be taken as the symbol of creativity, but I find out the answer at its “photos link.” Once you click on the link, you would see tons of pictures. Most importantly, you can find various kinds of photos you like, and guess what the article/news is from the pictures before reading them. Sometimes the pictures are not reveal what happened in those pictures directly, so you can let your imagination run wield and predict what you would know from the news. Besides, you can also use those pictures (legally), that is, the photos part in Time magazine is a free and rich photo album which provides you any photo you are searching for.

What’s more, the website of Time magazine also provides video or audio services/clips of most of the news. In other words, if you want to let your eyes relax for a while, you can also have other choices to know the news. (Oh~you can also sharpen your listening skill at the same time!) Of course there are many advantages of the website, maybe you can pay a visit to it and discover other amazing features that attract you!
By the way, have you ever visited the website of "Time for Kids "?
It's a really sweet and friendly website for children to know inportant news in more interesting ways. Or, if you are not really confident in English, you may try to devoted yourself to this website before visiting the website of Time Magazine!


vercy said...

I also did the visiting of TIME magazine website, but mine is for children.
Yes, the popularity is out of the question for TIME magazine, but the website, as I see, is still based on the magazine itself, not an independent learning website for learners. It’s more like an official website of a product. Of course, there are still the advantages for that website, like the photo links as you said. I think webpage viewer prefer to photos than only words. So it is great for learners to learn with both the website and the magazine together.

Abby said...

Honestly speaking, I really love to read news from differnet media, like newspaper, TV, Internet, and even cell phone. Because news being close to our lives update anytime, it should be a immediate learning material for us to train language abilities by caring about daily news from all over the world. As you said, using vedio clips can promote advance of listening ability. And moreover, language using in News is often formal and prevailing. we certainly foster our langauge-using concisly and lively.

Cherrie said...

Dear Abby,
I know you will love this kind of website because it will train you as a professional journalist! Just like you, I also really like to read news through different ways. Take this website for example, I always listen to or watch the video clip. I can sharpen my listening ability while I am acquiring new information. This is really effective and efficient!